
Wednesday 28 December 2016

Dutch screw steamship 3rd class Zr. Ms. Soembing serving in the Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant 14 April 1859

Model Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands. Original url

An item reported that the Dutch steamship Zr. Ms. Soembing was stationed on the station at Riouw, Dutch East Indies. The ships of this station participated in October-November 1858 in the expedition towards Reteh, Dutch East Indies and returned on 19 and 20 November at the station but needed some recovery time for the many sick or wounded men on board. It was however necessary to confirm the sultans of Lingga the Dutch authority. The Soembing departed on short time with the resident of Riouw on board towards Lingga and Reteh to conclude all affairs. As requested by the vice roi was the campong Andar along the Amphitrite Bay visited and on 27 December returned she at Riouw.

1. Call sign GQTV, on stocks at navy yard at Vlissingen, Netherlands by L.K. Turk on 17 June 1856, launched Saturday 29 November 1856, participated in the Reteh expedition in 1858, docked at the navy yard at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands in 14-19 April 1871 and 18 May-27 July 1872, condemned  and converted into a coal hulk 1872, building costs ƒ 292.471,47, dimensions 41,00 (loadline)-43,73(loadline front bow-back rudder) x 8,40 (inner hull) x 3,5 (fore)-3,9 (aft) x 4,80 (depth) metres, 618 tons displacement, an armament of 6 guns (4 long 12 pd guns, 4 short 30 pd guns), a crew numbering 100 men and 100 hp horsepower.