
Saturday 4 March 2017

USA increased on large scale the building of merchant ships according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 12 July 1941

An item dated Washington, USA 11th reported that of the huge budget for the navy and shipping commission asked by president Roosevelt (1) 1.625 million US dollars was to be used for building 566 merchant ships, seizing/buying and repairing existing ships and increasing the available building facilities. The shipping commission stated that it was possible to start in begin August with executing of this new program. All ships were to be completed at the end of 1943 and in actual service.(1)

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (30 January 1882 Hyde Park, New York, USA)-12 April 1945 Warm Springs, Georgia, USA), Democratic politician, president 4 March 1933-12 April 1945.