
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Intention to found a shipyard at Semarang, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 19 July 1941

An item reported that the Soerabaiasche Droogdok Maatschappij and the Droogdok Maatschappij Tandjong Priok decided to found a shipyard at Semarang, Dutch East Indies where ships with a maximum size of 10.000 tons could be built. The new yard was to number 3 slipways and would have a yearly production of 5-6 ships. It was the intention to deliver the ships completely fitted out. If this was not possible were the hulls to be built and towed towards Surabaya, Dutch East Indies or Tandjong Priok, Dutch East Indies for completion. The hulls were to be welded. The personnel would number around 1.200 persons and yearly ƒ 500.000 of wages to be paid. Ir. A.P. Adema van Scheltema (1) was to be the first director.

1. Anne Paul Adama van Scheltema (30 August 1900 Tjimahi, Dutch East Indies-13 July 1964)?