
Monday 9 October 2017

German shipyard Vulcan building Chinese torpedo boats and torpedo cruiser according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 9 July 1895

An item dated Stettin, Germany 5th reported that the first torpedo boat built by the shipyard AG Vulcan for Chinese account achieved during trials in the Tromper Wiek een medium speed of 23,97 knots and when returning towards Bredow with South West storm just needed1 hour 58 minutes for the course Sasnitz-Swinemünde which was very fast. The second torpedo boat was starting with her trials at the end of the next week.(1) The torpedo cruiser built for Chinese account was to be launched on the 10th.(2)

1. Probably the No. 2 Chen Tse and the No. 4 Su Tse, both launched in 1895, completed in 1896 and scuttled on 11 August 1937.
2. The torpedo gunboat officially rated cruiser Fei Ying? Launched by Vulcan, Bremen, Germany on 11 July 1895, completed in 1896 and stricken in 1932.