
Thursday 26 October 2017

The relocation of the French fleet according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1938 no. 5

Courbet-class battleships consting of the Courbet, Paris and l'Ocean, France already wrecked in 1921

Richelieu-class battleships consisting of the Richelieu, Jean Bart, Clemenceau and Gascogne

Bretagne-class consisting of the Bretagne, Lorraine and Provence

Lorraine of the Bretagne-class

fast battleship/battle cruiser Dunkerque, sistership Strasbourg

aircraft carrier Béarn

Duquesne-class heavy crusiers consisting of the Duquesne and Tourville

heavy cruiser Algérie

heavy cruiser Algérie.
Dutch magazine Onze Vloot dated November 1935, p. 152, drawing by E.Th. Poppe

school cruiser Jeanne d'Arc

Duguay-Trouin class light cruisers consisting of the Duguay-Trouin, Laomoot-Picguet and Primauget

minelaying cruiser Pluton

An item referred to the Proceedings dated May 1938 reporting that the French fleet was as follows divided:

The Northern squadron consisted of 3 battleships, 3 armoured cruisers, 1 cruiser-minelayer, 7 flotilla leaders, 12 destroyers, 20 submarines and 1 aircraft carrier. The reserve consisted of 1 battleship, 2 flotilla leaders and 7 destroyers, if needed available for the coastal defence.

The Mediterranean squadron consisted of 4-10.000 ton cruisers, 3-7.700 ton cruisers, 11 flotilla leaders, 13 destroyers and 15 submarines. The reserve consisted of 2 battleships, 1 minelayer, 3 cruisers and 8 flotilla leaders.