
Monday, 11 June 2018

Dutch inland tug (ex-Ampetco 1904-1926, Pieter 1926, Wewa 1926-1954, Jothe 1954-1959, Alwi 1959-1977, Seeland 1977-2008, Tjoba 2006-2012) Citius 2012-

Loswal Middelburg, Netherlands 8 June 2018

Netherlands-flagged, ENI. 2319673. Built at the shipyard of Wilton Machinefabriek&Scheepswerf, Rotterdam, Netherlands with yard number 160 as the Ampetco for account of the Amerikaanse Petroleum Maatschappij, Rotterdam in 1904. Dimensions 19,24 x 4,22 x 190cm. The original Wilton 125 hp steam engine is later replaced by a 240 hp MAN G3VU42 engine. Ex-Ampetco 1904-1926, Pieter 1926, WSewa 1926-1954, Jothe 1954-1959, Alwi 1959-1977, Seeland 1977-2008 and Tjoba 2006-2012. Continuously Dutch owners except for 1977-1990 by J.D. Bauer, Port de Bevaix-Neuchâtel, Switzerland.