Ex-LST 75. Laid down as a 542-LST-1 class tank landing ship at Jefferson Boat&Machine Co., Jeffersonville, India for the US Navy on 30 January 1943, launched on 7 April 1943, commissioned on 21 June 1943, decommissioned on 22 December 1947, handed over to the Philippine navy on 30 December 1947, striken from US Naval Register and broken up in 1964. Displacement 1.625 (light)-4.080 (loaded) tons and as dimensions 316 (waterline)-329 (over all) x 50 x 14 (maximum) feet. The armament in 1958 consisted of 7-4cm anti aircraft guns and 2-2cm anti aircraft guns. Crew numbered 90 men. The diesel propulsion supplied via 2 shaft 1.800bhp allowing a speed of 12 knots.
Monday, 11 November 2019
Philippine landing craft Cotabato (T 38) 1947-1964
Ex-LST 75. Laid down as a 542-LST-1 class tank landing ship at Jefferson Boat&Machine Co., Jeffersonville, India for the US Navy on 30 January 1943, launched on 7 April 1943, commissioned on 21 June 1943, decommissioned on 22 December 1947, handed over to the Philippine navy on 30 December 1947, striken from US Naval Register and broken up in 1964. Displacement 1.625 (light)-4.080 (loaded) tons and as dimensions 316 (waterline)-329 (over all) x 50 x 14 (maximum) feet. The armament in 1958 consisted of 7-4cm anti aircraft guns and 2-2cm anti aircraft guns. Crew numbered 90 men. The diesel propulsion supplied via 2 shaft 1.800bhp allowing a speed of 12 knots.