An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 7 September reported the recent arrival in the Vlie or at Texel of the Dutch Greenland commandeur Broersnyder 4 whales.(1) Leaving the ice they heard about the war with France and went not to the rendezvous but straight home.(2)
1. Broer Snyder commandeur for Jan van Ryn, Amsterdam in 1703 4 whales 250 barrels blubber. Alphabetische naam-lyst van alle de Groenlandsche en Straat-Davidsche Commandeurs die sedert het jaar 1700 op Groenland en sedert het jaar 1719 op de Straat Davis etc. Gerret van Sant. Published by Johannes Enschede, Amsterdam 1770, with hand written note until 1794.
2. The Dutch Republic and France were enemies during the War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1713.
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