
Thursday 29 September 2011

The battle between the Russian brig Mercurius and 2 Turkish ships of the line according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 25 June 1829

The official Prussian government newspaper published an account send 30 May by the Russian admiral Greig and dealing with the battle between the Russian brig Mercurius and 2 Turkish ships of the lines. In the morning of 26 May left the Turkish fleet the Bosporus probably to attack the small Russian warships cruising for the entrance. While they couldn’t oppose the enemy the Russian frigate Standaard and other vessels were ordered to avoid the Turkish warships. The brig Mercurius sailed North West just like the Turkish fleet did and she was pursued by a 110-gun ship and a 74-gun ship and around 2 o’clock in the afternoon they overtake her. Her commanding officer captain lieutenant Kasarsky held a war council what to do. All decided to fight to the end and until 5 o’clock she fought back with success. The largest Turkish ship was so heavily damaged by the Russian gunfire she had to leave the scene and finally even the second Turkish warship was beaten. The Mercurius with a crew of 79 men lost 4 dead and had 6 wounded. She joined the Russian fleet the next day. The newspaper however concluded that the date of the fight didn’t match with the departure of the Turkish fleet; according to other tidings she left the Bosporus 20 May while returning two days later.