
Thursday 29 September 2011

The British, French and Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 18 June 1838

According to tidings from Tunis dated until 29 May was the French ship of the line Jena flagship of rear admiral Lalande anchored off Goletta where she found the Turkish frigate of war which transported the representative of the sultan to Tunis. The captain of this frigate said that a large Turkish squadron was expected to arrive within short time.

Smyrna, 19 May 1838. Since the 15th was the Dutch hooker ship Snelle Zeepost master Klaas Zwanenburg at Smyrna for a cargo of raisins for Amsterdam. Anchored off this harbour were the French ship of the line Trident and the British frigate Sapphire which was to replace the Dido, the latter expected every moment to arrive from Malta.