Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible. Of essential interest for navy and merchant ships was where in the world dock (yard) facilities were available for ordinary repairs or in case of emergency. The costs of using such a facility was of course also of interest and finally these information was of great value in times of war.
P. 181: “It is proposed that, of the 20,000 shares constituting the nominal capital of the company, 10,000 shall be called A shares, and issued as fully paid up, and that the remaining 10,000 shall be called B shares, and issued as having £3 5s. per share paid up.”
The Railway news and joint stock journal, vol. 12, 21 August 1869.
P. 181: “It is proposed that, of the 20,000 shares constituting the nominal capital of the company, 10,000 shall be called A shares, and issued as fully paid up, and that the remaining 10,000 shall be called B shares, and issued as having £3 5s. per share paid up.”
The Railway news and joint stock journal, vol. 12, 21 August 1869.