Ron van Maanen
In his book published De Jonge several lists dealing with the Dutch East Indie Company. The list dating 30 November 1640 he found in the register titled Brieven en papieren overgekomen uit Oost-Indien, CCC, Ao. 1641. I doubt if this list is accessible for most of the (foreign) people interested in naval history, so it's seems worth to republish it on this weblog, added with some details from the outward and homeward bound voyages.
Off Batavia
Nieuw Haerlem, homeward bound, Maestricht, homeward bound, fluyt Berckhout, homeward bound, Walvisch, Kievit, Ruttem, Der Veer Out (?) [this must be the Ter Veere of the Chamber Zealand, which arrived 1634 in the Dutch East Indies and stayed there], Cleen Hollandia, Waterloose werve, Waterlant and Conijn
Witten Oliphant, homeward bound, Ackerslooth, Pauw, Graff, Rijp, Oostcapel, Broecoort, Otter, Meerman and Rogh
Towards Tonkin
Engel and Lisch
Towards Cambodja
Castricum and Zeehaen
At Siam
In Molukken
At Amboina
Zeeuse Nachtegael, Voorburgh, Jonge Prins, Westhoven, Cleen Enckhuysen, Cleenen Davidt and Cleen Nassouw
At Banda
Cleen Petten
Towards Suratta and Persia
't Vliegend Hart, N. Zeeland, Snoeck and Zantfoort
At Choromandel
Orangieboom, Capelle, Wydenes, Venlo , Grijpskercken and Welsingh
Off Malacca
Utrecht, Wassenaer, Reynsburch, Franicker, Bredamme, Vos, Langerack, Rommerswael, Rijswijck, Venhuysen, Cleen Zutphen, Draeck, Jager, Bleyswijck, Serpent, Engelse Anna, Egmont, boat Banda, Goes, Wachter, Cleen Bredamme, Sonne, Amsterdam and 't Quelpaert
Off Jamby
Jonk Jamby and Revengie
Cleene Rogh
Off the West Coast of Sumatra
Maen and Grol
At Palembang
Towards Arracan
Oudewater, Gale and Cabo de Rama
Off Goa
Towards Ceylon
Lieffde, Leecq, and Limmen
Expected to arrive from the Netherlands
Eendracht, Den Dolphyn, Noortsterre, 't Spaansch Gallioen, fluyt Heemsteê and fluyt Buys towards Mauritius
J.C. de Jonge. Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Zeewezen, vol. 2, p. 799.