
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Dutch clipper sailing ship Dymphina to be built for Van der Sijp at Tiel, Netherlands in 1897

According to the local newspaper Tielsche Courant dated 28 March 1897 got the shipbuilder T. van Duijvendijk at Lekkerkerk, Netherlands the order to built a first class very fast sailing iron clipper ship for G.J.W. van der Sijp, wholesale dealer in coals at Tiel. Her measurement was to be around 200 'karren' (wagons?). She was to be baptised Dymphina, after the youngest daughter of Van der Sijp. J. Krootjens was appointed as her new captain. He was transferred from the Grada, whose new captain was G. van der Staaij. J. Taselaar at Tiel was to deliver the rigging. The hope was that she could be taken in September in to service.