
Monday 7 November 2011

Dutch screw steam warship 4th class Zr.Ms. Amboina 1872-1881

The Amboina was built by the Koninklijke Fabriek van stoom- en andere werktuigen at Amsterdam, Netherlands. On stocks 1872, launched 1873. Dimensions 42.00/45.00 x 8.80 x 3.60m, wit a displacement of 695 tons. 90 nhp or 350 ehp, one single screw with a speed of 7.5 knots. Composite-built. Armed with 1-16cm and 2-12cm guns. Crew counted 75 men. Decommissioned 10 March 1881 with the purpose to be repaired at Soerabaja, Dutch East Indies. Because she wasn’t worth it, was she sold.