
Friday, 23 December 2011

Commodore Porter and his anti pirate squadron according to Niles’ Weekly register dated 15 February 1823

Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That’s quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.

P. 384: “The pirate expedition. The Norfolk Deacon of Monday says: The expedition destined to avenge the murder of the gallant Allen, and the multiplied outrages upon our lawful commerce, is under the orders of commodore David Porter, and consists of the sloop of war Peacock, capt. Stephen Cassin, bearing the broad pendant of the commodore, schooner Shark, It. com. M. C. Perry, Sea Cull, (steam galliot), It. com. Wm. II. Watson, Decoy, (store ship), 11. com. L Kearney, Grey Hound, mast, com John Porter, Jackall, It. com. Thomas H. Stevens, Fox, It. com. William II. Cocke, Wild Cat, It. com. Cha’s. W. Skinner, Beagle, It. com. John T. Newton, Ferret, It. com. Samuel Henley, Terrier, It. com. Robert M. Rose, Weazle. It. com. Beverly Kennon, cutters Midge, Musquito, Sand Fly, Galley Nipper and Gnat. Four of the small schooners dropped down from he navy yard on Thursday last, and anchored near the Flag Ship, off Fort Nelson; yesterday morning, they were joined by the other four schooners, and in the afternoon the Shark and the store ship Decoy, were lowed down from the yard by the steam galliot Sea Gull,and all anchored near the Peacock. They form quite an imposing spectacle, and to-day or to morrow, we shall have the pleasure to see them all “spread their white canvas to the breeze,“ and depart for the pirate coast. Our best wishes go with them. The steam galliot is greatly improved in appearance, and performed the duty of towing down the ship and schooner in a style and with a velocity that lingered well of her adaptation to that purpose in the expedition. The schooners mount one long gun on a pivot and two cannonades each, and, it is believed, will not, in point of sailing, dishonor the names by which they have been designated.”

Niles’ Weekly register. Volume XXIII or volume XI of the new series. Baltimore