
Friday 2 December 2011

The Egyptian, Greek, Haitian, Spanish and the Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 6 June 1826

Trieste, 22 May. According to tidings from Zante dated 10 May passed a part of the Turkish fleet 6 May this island to attack Hydra. According to letters from Zante dated 12 May passed the Turkish fleet, commanded by the Capitan Pasha, Zante 5 May towards the Archipelago, but the Egyptian fleet stayed off Patras.

Paris, 2 July. The Spanish ship of the El Guerrero which departed 3 months ago Cadiz arrived at San Iago de Cuba and joined the expedition, commanded by general don Angelo Laborde, commanding officer of the Spanish naval force in the Antilles. This general was well known for his loyalty as his seamanship and informed the Spanish vice consul at Bordeaux in a letter dated 6 April of the arrival of the El Guerreo.

From Havre the Grace arrived tidings dated 29 May that the day before the brig l’Haitien belonging to the Haitian republic arrives. She was loaded with cotton, coffee and Campeche timber and 8 passengers. Her crew numbered 16 men. Among the passengers was Mr. Callixte Brouard, send to Havre de Grace to become there the Haitian representative and to receive other Haitian ships loaded with comparable cargoes. The brig l’Haitien of 128 last was a vessel original of Bordeaux and bought there by the Haitian president Boyer. When she left Port-au-Prince there were another 4 four ships waiting loaded with colonial stores and fitted out on account of the government and to send in consignment to Brouard.