
Friday 2 December 2011

Movements of the Dutch E.I.C. ships in the Dutch East Indies in February 1696

The National Archive of Indonesia published on her website tables of contents of the so-called Daghregisters (Daily accounts) of the Castle Batavia, HR no.’s 2515-2516. Unfortunately they are in Dutch. In those tables you can find for instance information about the ships arriving at and departing from Batavia (nowadays Djakarta). I extracted the movements of the ships and vessels owned by the E.I.C. The dates mentioned below in the text are the register dates. See also on this weblog the notes dealing with cargo capacities and individual ships.

Bovencaspel, fluyt, destined towards Bantam for a cargo of pepper 28 February 1696
Casteel Batavia, chialoup, arrived at Batavia coming from the Cauw transporting the bookkeeper 3 February 1696
Cauw, small yacht, arrived at Batavia coming from Toncquin with a cargo valued fl. 498.40:06:00 4 February 1696
Dieren, fluyt, departed Batavia for the homeward bound ships 10 February 1696
Gent, ship, departed Batavia for the homeward bound ships 10 February 1696
Langewijk, fluyt, departed Batavia serving as a water ship towards the homeward bound fleet 5 February 1696, ordered to wait until 15 March off the Princen island for the ships coming from Ceylon [Sri Lanka] 21 February 1696
Oosthuijsen, fluyt, destined via Macassar towards Banda 7 February 1696, departed Batavia via Macassar towards Banda 23 February 1696
Peperthuijn, small yacht, arrived at Batavia coming from Palembang with a cargo of white and black pepper 6 February 1696, towards Bantam for a cargo of pepper 22 February 1696
Princelant, fluyt, destined via Macassar towards Amboina 7 February 1797
Purmer, ship, ordered to unload at Batavia the ballast brought with her from the Netherlands and to ballast again with copper, spiaulter etc for Bengal 7 February 1696
Swaagh, fluyt, arrived at Batavia coming from Siam [Thailand] 19 February 1696, destined towards Cape of Good Hope and Mauritius 24 February 1696
Swarten Arent, small yacht, report of the loading of rice destined towards Timor and Amboina 6 February 1696, ordered to unload the complete cargo of rice at Timor 15 February 1696
Voetboog, ship, ordered to unload at Batavia the ballast brought with her from the Netherlands and to ballast again with copper, spiaulter etc for Bengal 7 February 1696
Westbroeck, fluyt, arrived coming from Bengal with a cargo valued fl. 152.862:04:07 2 February 1696
Wint, small yacht, departed Batavia for the homeward bound ships 10 February 1696
Wijk op Zee, yacht, mentioned 9 February 1696
Zallandt, ship, commissaries and the fiscal departed Batavia with her towards the homeward bound fleet 5 February 1696