Friday, 23 December 2011
Movements of the Austrian and French navies in the Mediterranean accorduing to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 9 November 1821
Trieste, 21 October. According to a report of a French master who arrived yesterday coming from Smirna, was at the latter place 28 September everything peaceful. The French squadron and the Austrian warships Leipzig and Montecuculli were lying in the harbour, while an Austrian brig was sent to ask the release of the master of the Austrian vessel Bellavita, arrested at Sigri. The 11 October met the French master in the fairways of Zante the Turkish fleet, returning from Patras. The 9th he saw near Avarino two strong divisions of the Greek fleet. Last days arrived two vessels coming from Corfu, namely an Austrian and a Sardinian bringing news dating until 2 October with details concerning the movements of the Turkish fleet. In the morning of the 12th September appeared a strong division in the bay of Coron, which destroyed without any resistance some worse Greek vessels. Despite fiercely fighting of a Greek corps which besieged the fortress, the Turkish landed and provided the fortress with victuals. The 6th was a comparable Turkish effort off Modon apparently a less success. There seemed to be a third effort at Patras. The ships of the Turkish, Egyptian and of the Barbaray States joined each other, while the Greek fleet seemed to have disappeared to protect the islands where they came from. Original source was the Journal de Francf[urt?].