
Friday 2 December 2011

Naval operations of the Dutch East Company at Djambi according to the Generale Missive dated 31 March 1740

The Kakatoe arrived at Batavia 25 January coming from Djambi with a letter dated 15 October and a cargo of 1030 lb pepper and 210 taël gold with a value, including costs, of fl. 12.857. She didn’t arrived before 13 July at her destination despite the fact that the resident already knew 19 June of her arrival, due being grounded on a bank just outside the river. This was unknown to the resident and a orangbaay of the company with on board bookkeeper Nicolaas Martijn was sent to investigate what was going wrong. Martijn was ordered to assist and return as soon as possible. He came back the 25th heavily wounded, reporting he did met the tanjongpura Kakatoe around a mile below the simpang, where her master said five days to have been grounded although without further problems. Returning back Martijn and other crew members were heavily wounded by a crewmember of the orangbaay. Her steersman died due to his wounds, 5 native crewmembers were wounded but recovered while Martijn unexpectedly after his return was murdered without anyone saw or heard anything. Before the Kakatoe departed she was fitted out, costs fl. 223. The pantjalang Suikermaler arrived 15 March at Batavia with letters. Her account of extra costs in 8 months was fl. 71. The resident reported that she wasn’t needed anymore while he was able to control the smugglers and native vessels could transported the yearly demand and letters.

J. van Goor. Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Deel X: 1737-1743. The Hague, 2004, p. 468-469