
Tuesday 13 December 2011

The privateers of the Independents and the Havana convoy towards Cadiz according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 20 July 1818

Madrid, 4 July. The minister of navy received a letter dated Cadiz 28 June according to which Don Antonio Quitano left 6 May with the corvette Diamanta Havana bringing with him the brigantines Alette, Royaliere and Vengeador while escorting 52 rich loaded merchant ships all destined for Spain or Africa. They escaped safely from the privateers of the Independents when finally ships left the convoy for their own destination except 23 destined for Cadiz. These latter ships were escorted by the Spanish warships when 24 June when on a distance of 8 miles from the Spanish coast two large goelettes and a corvette approached closing in with all sails by. They hoisted a white with blue coloured stripes. Quitano ordered the brigantines to attack the goelettes while he with the Diamante attacked the corvette. Due to lacking enough wind were the Spanish ships not able to destroy the enemy which after two hours fighting left the scene. Around 16.00 o’clock did the privateers a second effort to enter the convoy but were again forced to retreat. The whole convoy arrived 28 June safely at Cadiz with just one men killed and four wounded.