
Friday 2 December 2011

Ships of the Dutch Admiralty of Zealand with homeport Veere 1666

The account written by the equipagemeester responsible for the Dutch admiralty yard at Zierikzee gave the following interesting information.

galleas Zeeridder, dimensions 116 (prow) x 27 x 16, built 1640 by J.C. Keyser at Veere, captain Willem Marinisse (1)

Campeveer, dimensions 130 (prow) x 33 x 13½, built 1653,vice admiral Adriaan van Trappen called Banckert (2)

Dordrecht, dimensions 130 (prow) x 33 x 14, built at Middelburg 1653, captain Adriaan de Haze (3)

ship/galleas Goes, dimensions 112 x 27 x 11, built 1659 by Geleijn Keijser at Vere, captain Van Cruyningen (4)

frigate Prins Willem te Paart, captain Jacques Wolfers (5)

ship Ter Tholen, dimensions 145 (prow), built 1666 (6)

ship Wapen van Zeelant, equipagemeester had never been responsible for this ship due her capture by the British 11 June 1665, she was transferred to the responsibility of equipagemeester Maartens (7)

yacht Maagt, dimensions 70 (prow) x 22 x 7, built 1648 by Jan Salomonsen van den Tempel?) at Rotterdam, captain Jan Crinsen

yacht Dolphijn, captain Laurens Crinsen

Van Dulm, shiplist by Historical Branch Dutch Naval Staff. No references in this shiplist to used sources.
J.C. Elias. De vlootbouw in Nederland in de eerste helft der zeventiende eeuw 1596-1677. Amsterdam, 1933.
Collectie Klaassen Historical Branch Dutch Naval Staff. No references to used sources in this collection
A. Vreugdenhil. List of men-of-war 1659-1700. Part IV. Dutch ships.
Zeeuws Archief at Middelburg
Family archive Verheye van Citters no. 29.
Archive Rekenkamer no.’s C 38080 and 38350.
National Archive at The Hague
Archive Staten Generaal no.’s 5554 April 1653, 5562 II August-September 1654, 5590 II March 1666, 9243-1667, 12580-16
Archive Admiraliteits Colleges no. 2472, 2486, 2488 and XXXVII no. 79.
Archive Johan de Witt 1653-1672 no.’s 4-5 and 2774.

1. Zeeridder, frigate, built by Jan Keijser at Veere, Netherlands 1640, last mentioned 1667?, dimensions 116 (prow)/95½ (keel) x 27 (design 28) x 11, height below orlopdeck 6½, 26-36 guns, 70-186 men. 1 april 1665: dimensions 116 (prow) x 28 x 11½, height below orlopdeck 6½, captain Adriaen Thijssen, 130 sailors, 40 soldiers, 4-18 pdr (bronze Franse halve cartouwen), 2-12pdr (bronze slangen), 2-6pdr (bronze), 10-12pdr (iron sakers), 12-6pdr (iron sakers), 12-6pdr (iron), 4-3pdr (iron gotelingen).
2. Kampveere, also called Ter Veere and Wapen van Veere, ship, built by Geleijn Keijser at Veere 1653, captured by British 1673 and in service as Arms of Terver, dimensions 130 (prow)/107 (keel) x 34 x 13½, draught 16'0"e, height below orlopdeck 6¾-7, 40-50 guns, 90-210 men, 523e tons builders measurement. 30 March 1665: dimensions 130 (prow) x 34 x 13½, height below ‘koebrug’ 7, captain Adriaen Bancker, 165 sailors, 40 soldiers, 46 guns: 4-24pdr, 2-18pdr, 2-14pdr, 14-12pdr, 5-9pdr, 5-8pdr, 10-6pdr, 2-5pdr, 2-4pdr.
3. Dordrecht, ship, admiralty Zealand, built by Frans Jasperssen and Jan Joppen at Middelburg 1653, lastmentioned 1673, dimensions 130 (prow) x 34 x 13½, height below orlopdeck 7, 40-50 guns, 90-210 men, 300 last. 30 March 1665: captain Adriaen de Haze, 150 sailors, 50 soldiers, 46 guns: 4-24pdr, 2-18pdr, 14-12pdr, 12-8pdr, 8-6pdr, 2-4pdr, 2-3pdr, 2-2pdr, dimensions 130 (prow) x 34 x 13½, height below koedeck 7.
4. Goes, galleass, built by Geleyn de Keijser 1659, last mentioned 1684, dimensions 112 (prow) x 28 x 11.
5. Prins te paard, frigate also called war yacht, mentioned 1665-1667, dimensions 90 (prow) x ? x ?, 16 guns, 40-85 men. 1 April 1665: frigate, served as yacht with the fleet, dimensions (prow), 70 sailors, 15 soldiers, iron: 8-8pdr, 6-3pdr, 2-2pdr.
6. Tholen, ship, built at Veere, Netherlands 1665, wrecked/burnt in action 1666, 60 guns, 296 men.
7. Wapen van Zeeland, built 1642 by Johan Keijser at Veere 1642, last mentioned 1665, dimensions 116 (prow)/95 (keel) x 28-29 x 11½, height below koebrug 6½, 32-34 guns, 70-170 men. 130 sailors, 40 soldiers, 2-18 pdr (bronze Franse halve cartouwen), 8-12pdr (bronze slangen), 4-6pdr (bronze), 2-5pdr (bronze), 1-12pdr (iron sakers), 4-6pdr (iron), 4-3à 2pdr (iron gotelingen), totally 32 guns.