
Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Spanish register ships la Concordia and el St. Christobal safely arrived at Cadiz according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 31 July 1766

Madrid, 1 July. The marquis de Real Tefore, president of the West Indies merchant trade at Cadiz informed the king that two register ships la Concordia and el St. Christobal arrived safely. The first departed 29 January from Callao de Lima with a cargo valued 822,785, ecus fort in gold and silver on behalf of the crown and 2.123,859 ecus fort for private account and 41.622 arob. cacao, 2,792 quintalen copper and 816 arob. shells and some fruits. The latter departed Havana 1 May 1765 had a cargo of 19,800 ecus forts, 25,575 arob. sugar and 1,500 quintalen Campeche wood.