Saturday, 18 February 2012
United States Maritime Commission selling 82 ships according to the Dutch newspaper Amigoe di Curacao dated Monday 18 November 1946
An item reported that the United States Maritime Commission on 21 November the names would announce the names of the 82 war build ships which were in September-October sold abroad. These 82 ships included the seven by the Dutch government bought ships namely three coasters Fort Wilhelmus (2,842 tons and 13 knots), Fort Amsterdam (2,272 tons and 13 knots), Fort Renselaer (2,700 tons and 13 knots), two freighters Kaap San Lucas (7,406 tons AND 15 knots) and Fort Nassau (7,190 tons and 15 knots), the Liberty ship Fort Oranje (10,800 tons and 11 knots) and the Victory ship Hillsdale Victory (10,850 tons and 17 knots).