An item referred to the correspondent of the British newspaper Times in Rome which wrote that the Italian naval shipbuilding commission consisting of admirals proposed the building of four new battleships of a type between the dreadnought and super dreadnought. The first intention was to built 37.000 ton ships armed with 12 guns of heavy calibre and building costs of around 60.000.000 (lires). The minister of finance however made clear that this intention was not realistic. He did agree with the building of 30.000 ton ships with as building costs over 40.000.000 lires. The armament was to consist of 8-38,1cm guns, 20-15,2cm guns and 20-7,6cm guns and an armour of maximum 32 cm . Although the minister of navy thought that it was possible to built these four new ships within three years had the above mentioned correspondent a less confidence in the Italian shipbuilding industry.(1)