
Saturday, 11 May 2013

The latest American battleships according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad 1912-1913 no. 7

New York-class


An item referred to some newspapers reporting that the latest American battleships Texas, Nevada. Oklahoma and New York (1) were to be fitted out with tripod-masts as was in common within the Royal British Navy and not the planned lattice masts. The 10-35,6 [14”] cm guns with the Nevada type battleships were to be fitted out were place in 2x3 and 2x2 turrets in such a manner that the twin turrets could shoot across the triple turrets. The guns of the triple turrets fore and after were coupled with as negative result that these guns could not independent focused on separate targets in contrast to the guns of the win turrets. The twin turrets were fitted out with rangefinders of 7 metres base. If the central fire control by the conning tower was disturbed were the fore and aft main armament independent guided by the rangefinders of the twin turrets. The new rangefinders of 7 metres base were first tested on board of the USS Connecticut and since the USS Texas were all elevated turrets fitted out with these rangefinders.

1. The USS Texas and the USS New York formed together the New York-class, the so-called Battleship 1911-design. The USS Nevada and the USS Oklahoma formed together the oil-fired Oklahoma-class.