
Thursday 18 July 2019

Egyptian, French and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 7 July 1838

The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung published tidings from Constantinople dated 13 June dealing with the meetings of the French admiral Roussin and the Reis Effendi considering the departure of the Turkish fleet to sea. She was still anchored off the Bosporus but destined for the Mediterranean and Roussin tried to prevent this departure. He was assured again that all hostilities against the Egyptian fleet were prevented and that men were not interested in Tripoli and Tunis. The fact was however that Roussin got the same promises before the latest expedition commanded by the Capudan Pasha and so he didn’t trust it while the pasha of Tripoli was ordered to come back. An advice vessel was sent to Toulon and admiral Gallois was ordered to watch the Turkish fleet when she appeared outside the Dardanelles constant.