
Wednesday 23 October 2019

The British and French navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 12 January 1827

Paris, 7 January. The 13th arrived two Brazilian ships in the harbour of Vigo. While the Spanish government didn’t recognise yet the Brazilian empire they had to replace the Brazilian flag by the Portuguese.

The frigate Surveillante, the brig Endymion and the goelette Surprise left the 4th Brest, commanded by vice-admiral Lemarant, destined towards Brazil to transport marquis de Gabriac French representative at the court of Rio Janeiro.

London, 5 January. The British fleet on the Portuguese river Taag consisted 28 December 1826 of 1-80 gun ship, 6-74 gun ships, 2-42 gun frigates, 1-24 gun frigate, 1-18 gun and 1-12 gun corvette and 10-gun brigs excluded the armed packet boats and brigs used for coming and going traffic. The fleet was commanded by vice admiral lord Beauclerck and rear-admiral sir T.M. Hardy and said to number 12.000 men.