
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Dutch steamship Anna according to Tideman on 1 January 1876

In his Memoriaal van de Marine at Amsterdam (1876-1880) published B.J. Tideman a list of Dutch seagoing steamships under Dutch flag on 1 January 1876. Owned by D. Burger&Zn., built at the shipyard of A. Denny&Co, Dumbarton, used on shipping line Netherlands-Bergen, Norway, 275 net tons, 47,20 x 6,60 x 3,67 x 1.5 (fore unloaded and without coal)/3,5 (fore loaded and with coal) -2,25 (aft unloaded and without coal)/4,0 (aft loaded and with coal) metres, cargo capacity 300 tons, coal bunker capacity 40 tons, speed 9 knots (loaded and with coal)-10,00 (unloaded add without coal) knots, travelling time single trip 3 days, coal consumption 21 ton. Lijst van de Nederlandsche Oorlogs- en Koopvaardijschepen met hunne onderscheidingsseinen, uit het Internationaal Seinboek ten dienste van alle Natiën. Rotterdam, 1876. Improved with latest information until 1 April 1876. Mentioned a steamship called Anna, homeport Rotterdam, call sign NDHK, net cargo capacity 291 tons, 70 hp.