
Saturday, 9 August 2014

Dutch brig Zr.Ms. Sirene homeward bound with some of the survivors of the brig Zr.Ms. Merkuur according to the Dutch newspaper De Curacaosche courant dated 9 August 1828

An item reported the departure from Willemstad, Curacao on Tuesday the 5th of the Dutch Zr.Ms. packet brig Sirene (1) lieutenant 1st class A. Klein towards Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands with on board the officers and some sailors of the Dutch brig Zr.Ms. Merkuur (2) which was decommissioned and to be sold for breaking up.

1. On stocks at the navy yard Amsterdam, Netherlands December 1817, launched 11 July 1819, coppered 1819, docked at the navy yard at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands and extensively repaired 25 June-20 October 1825, wrecked at Bone 24 June 1831,wrecked sold after 16 July, served in the Dutch East and West Indies and an armament of 20 guns.
2. Mercuur or Merkuur, on stocks at the navy yard at Rotterdam, Netherlands 15 January 1817, launched 18 July 1818, docked and coppered at the navy yard at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands 9-16 November, off Curacao hit by lightning and burned 1822 and an armament of 18 guns.