
Sunday, 23 August 2015

Dutch screw steamship 4th class Zr. Ms. Samarang stationed at Muntok, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 26 February 1863

An item reported that since the last received account the Dutch steamship Zr. MS. Samarang (1) completed the survey of Strait Nado returning pm 30 August 1862 towards Muntok, Dutch East Indies. During her voyage was the crew harassed by the so-called beri-beri especially the native crewmembers of which some died. The harmful climate at Muntok forced her to go towards Palembang, Dutch East Indies where after a stay of 13 days the necessary improvement of the health condition of her crew was achieved. Finally was decided to send her on a mission to the east coast of Banka, Dutch East Indies where privates seemed to be active. There tidings were not correct and she returned towards Muntok, handing over on 8 November the station service to the Zr.Ms. Het Loo (2) and arrived on 11 November at Batavia, Dutch East Indies. Some days later she departed towards Surabaya to be repaired.

1. Screw steamship 4th class, on stocks at the yard of Nederlandse Stoomboot Mij. Fijenoord at Rotterdam, Netherlands on 15 September 1845, launched in September 1846, stricken in 1863, displacement 400 tons, dimensions 38,00 x 7,21 x 2,85 metres, horsepower 70nhp, an armament of 7 guns and a crew numbering 49 men.
2. Screw steamship 3rd class, call sign GQMR, wood-built, on stocks at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands 13 May 1858, launched 17 March 1859, commissioned 26 July 1859, docked at the navy yard at Hellevoetsluis 26 May-19 June 1865 &12 April-14 August 1867, 21 July-8 August 1871 and 1-3 September 1869, together with the Zr.Ms. Citadel van Antwerpen present when the Dutch colours at the Dutch Gold Coast was stricken, converted at the navy yard at Willemsoord, Netherlands into artillery training ship and commissioned at Willemsoord 16 September 1876, decommissioned and condemned for services outside the Nieuwediep, Netherlands 8 May 1889, accommodation for artillery training ship 25 September, condemned and replaced by the Zr.Ms. Atjeh 1906, decommissioned 8 November and stricken, displacement 759 tons, dimensions 43 x 9,2 x 4,3 metres, coal bunker capacity 100-200 ton, horsepower 115 nhp/250ehp, speed 7-12 (maximum) miles, range (in 187) 7 days full speed, a crew numbering 86 (1877)-100 men and an armament consisting of 2 rifled 16cm guns, 1-15cm gun and 4-12cm guns.