
Wednesday 13 January 2016

American General Board of the Navy formulating needs of the US navy according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1904-1905 no. 9

An item referred to the magazine Army and Navy Journal reporting that the General Board of the Navy needed several long meetings mainly to formulate the needs of the US Navy and what was to be built next year. The majority of the members wanted large battleships and it was possible that the US Congress was asked for to approve the building of 4 battleships of 16.000-18.000 ton. Further more it was believed that the Board wanted a new flotilla of destroyers. The author of the original note pointed out that the war in East Asia influenced the General Board. A year earlier was asked for smaller ships and protected cruisers. The course was complete changed and returned to the ideas of some years earlier. Except for the war was also a part of the members replaced. (1)

1. This must be the war between Russia and Japan 8 February 1904-5 September 1905which ended such disastrous for Russia.