
Wednesday 13 January 2016

US Navy approved design of the new scouts to be built according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1904-1905 no. 9

An item referred to the magazine Le Yacht reporting the new design for the scouts of the US Navy. The dimensions were 128 x 24 x 5,12 (3.750 tons displacement) 5,56 (4.310 ton displacement) metres. The armour consisted of a nickel steel deck with a thickness of 3,7-5,1cm while the engine room (also the boiler room) was protected by bulkheads of 2,5cm nickel steel at both ends/ The horsepower of 16.000 ihp allowed a speed of 24 miles. The armament was to consist of 12-7,6cm guns and 2-55,3cm submerged torpedo launchers new model. Their crew was to number 383 men (included 15 officers).