Saturday, 18 June 2016
French navy lacking sufficient number of sailors according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1935 no. 6
An item referred to the magazine Le Yacht dated 10 August 1935 comparing the strength of the French navy in 1914 and 1925. In 1914 consisted the navy of 140 ships included 83 smaller as 3.000 tons, a total tonnage of 690.000 tons and a personnel strength of 54.000 men. In 1935 numbered the navy 194 ships included 166 smaller as 3.000 ton. The personnel strength was 53.000 men of which 14.000 were serving on shore. How smaller the smaller the ship was relatively seen the needed crew per ton larger. On board of a battleship was for each displacement 5 men needed, for a cruiser already 6 men. The French navy was lacking around 8.000 men and the minister of navy asked for more budget to extend the personnel strength with another 4.000 men.