
Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Italian naval engineer Cuniberti appealed for submarines instead of armoured ships according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1913-1914 no. 6

An item referred to an Italian naval magazine which reported that Cuniberti (1) was convinced that building submarines should be first choice while the large developments in respect of armour reduced the effects of the gunfire of the large guns. He designed a submerged ship of 10.000 tons with 2 gun turrets for defence while surfaced and further more a large number of torpedo launchers making it possible to fire a kind of torpedo salvo. For this purpose was a large number of torpedoes to be stored on board. Cuniberti however supplied no further details about an eventual realisation of his plan.

1. The naval engineer Vittorio Emanuele Cuniberti (1854 Turin, Italy-20 December 1913 Rome, Italy), known for his 1903 vision of the all big gun battleship, first realized as the British HMS Dreadnought.