Sale on 13 March 1756 of 1/28 part in the Dutch ship ‘t Klooster on an auction in the Otter, Westzaandam by ship brokers Jacob Last, Jacob van Santen, Pieter Last and Maarten Nomen to be paid within 8 days in cash to the guardians of the minor children of the late Meyndert Arentsz Bloem. Rented by Claas Gijzen for a voyage towards Greenland for ƒ 3,600 and ƒ 15 each whale. Commandeur Jacob C. Ruijg. Built in 1753.
Jacob Cornelisz Ruyg was Greenland commandeur between 1735-1761 for Anthony Groen, Westzaan, catch results in 1756 1 whale 25 barrels blubber 48 quardelen oil.
Gemeentearchief Zaanstad. ZA-0008 Oud Rechterlijk Archief Westzaan. Veilboek Westzaandam no. 1770.
Alphabetische naam-lyst van alle de Groenlandsche en Straat-Davidsche Commandeurs die sedert het jaar 1700 op Groenland en sedert het jaar 1719 op de Straat Davis etc.Gerret van Sant. Published by Johannes Enschede, Amsterdam 1770, with hand written note until 1794.
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