
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Ottoman Navy in April 1832

In his letter dated 8 April 1832 the author of Constantinople and its environs described the composition of the Ottoman Navy as follows, in some cases with a translation of the names in English..
“Fleet of H.H. the Sultan
two first rates
Mahmoud, 156 guns
Selim, 120 guns
Four second rates
Mahrard min hair, Happy undertaking
Ech Miserrat, Tear of joy
Two unnamed ships
Six frigates
Kat Zafer, The strength of success
Mazhn ter fih, Good success
Pazleh Alch, Self advantage
Nazer Yafer, Bird of success
Frise Rahmi, Profession of clemency
Capudan Pacha Guemizi
Six corvettes
Thzanon Henda, The gift of God
Medzira zafir, Place of success
Pyh Cherif, Collection of Honours
Demir Carè, The strength of God
Firzi Hacha
American built, name unknown, formerly United States(1)
Besides there, there a number of brigs, schooners, and cutters, a Tunisian corvette, and another corvette, just arrived. I cannot answer for the correctness of the translations”.

Constantinople and its environs in a series of letters by an American. New York, 1835, p. 164-165.Author was former commodore David Porter.

1. According to the article Henry Eckford (shipbuilder) published this was the 26 guns corvette of 1000 tons, built by Eckford at his own yard at New York 1830-1831 and sold to the Ottoman navy where she was rebaptized Mesir-I Ferah.