
Sunday, 26 July 2020

Sea tidings from Batavia, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Bataviasche koloniale courant dated 13 July 1810

Lieutenant A.J. Meijer escorted with seven gunboats three wood rafts when he was on 29 June attacked by two British while lying anchored off the corner of Sidarie. He was forced to leave the rafts behind and took shelter off the coast when around 14.00 o’clock the gunfire started which was answered by him. The gunboat No. 7 was destroyed but her crew rescued. Despite the large damaged to sails and rigging managed the Dutch to escape. One of the rafts arrived later safely at Ontong Java.
At Soerabaja arrived on 27 June with a valuable cargo of spiced the brig de Hoop. In the Marak Bay arrived the American ship Antelope coming from l’Ile de France. The American ship Diana seemed to have sailed towards China.