
Monday, 26 October 2015

Maltese galleys captured a Turkish galley loaded with the tributes according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche courant dated 9 July 1767

An item dated Malta 17th May reported the arrival of a ship that same of which the master said that one of the Maltese galleys captured a Turkish galley loaded with the tributes from the African coast for the Turkish sultan. This Turkish galley chased underway a small vessel of Corsica armed to protect the Corsican shipping. The Corsican crew refused to surrender and decided to attack and to be killed rather to become slaves. Lucky enough was the Maltese galley commanded by the knight Rosselmini of Pisa nearby and together with the Corsicans was the urkish galley captured. On board were 1.600 Leeuwen daalders (coins) discovered handed over to the Corsicans.