
Saturday 14 May 2016

French naval shipbuilding program nearly completed according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1924 no. 6

An item referred to the magazine Schiffbau dated 24 September 1924 no. 24 reporting that the French shipbuilding program was nearly completed. Recently was the 8.000 ton cruiser Primauquet launched. The first part of the program after the First World War approved as by law dated 18 April 1923 consisted of the building of 3-8.000 ton cruisers with as dimensions 175,3 x 17,2 x 5,3 miles. Speed 33 miles. The armament consisted of 8-15,5cm guns, 4-7,5cm anti aircraft guns, 4-4cm guns and 4x3-55cm torpedo guns. The main machinery consisted of 4 Parsons turbines with a total horsepower of 110.000hp and 4 screws. The two other cruisers were the Duguay-Trouin and Lamotte-Piquet, launched on respectively in August 1923 and March 1924. Further more consisted this program of 6-2.400 destroyers, 12-1.450 ton torpedo boats,6-600 ton submarines and the conversion of the Béarn from a battleship into an aircraft carrier. All planned ships were to be completed in 1925. Further more were 2-10.000 ton cruisers planned.