
Friday 14 April 2017

Accident during coal bunkering of German battleship Zähringen according to the Dutch newspaper Leeuwarder courant dated 23 April 1910


An item dated Wilhelmshaven, Germany 22nd reported that during the coal bunkering of the German battleship Zachringen that morning the warp broke with as result that the coal load dropped in the coal pram beneath. The result was a boatswain’s mate, 1 sailor 1st class and five sailors were wounded, some even heavy. All wounded were transported to the military hospital.(1)

1. Building ordered under the contract name ‘E’, laid down at the Germaniawerft, Kiel in 1899, launched on 12 June 1901, commissioned on 25 October 1902, converted into a target ship in 1917, converted in to a radio-controlled target ship between 1927-1928, sunk by British aircraft in Gotenhafen [nowadays Gdynia, Poland] on 18 December 1944, temporarily raised and deliberately scuttled to block the harbour when the German forces were leaving the town on 26 March 1945 and in situ broken up between 1949-1950. Of the Wittelsbach-class built under the Naval Law of 1898, consisting of the Wittelsbach, Wettin, Zähringen, Schwaben and Mecklenburg precedent by the Kaiser Friederich III-class and succeeded by the Braunschweig-class.