
Monday 19 September 2011

Dutch merchant ships freighted by the Nederlandsche Handels-maatschappij according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 5 June 1844

The Hague, Netherlands 4 June. The Nederlandsche Handels-maatschappij freighted the next ships for the month June.
For Amsterdam the Zeeland, Prins Frederik der Nederlanden, Goede Verwachting, Rabenhaupt, Maria, Immagonda Sara Clasina, Petrus and the Bato of Dordrecht.
For Rotterdam the Maas, Jacatra, Drie Maria’s, Neerlands Koningin, Amboina, Samarang and the Johann Jacob.
For Dordrecht the Anna of Rotterdam.
For Middelburg the Mercurius.