
Thursday 13 October 2011

Colombian privateers and the American, Colombian, Egyptian, Greek, Swedish and Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 October 1825

Madrid, 13 October. A new Colombian privateer the goelette Soublette commanded by captain Cunningham arrived recently at Gibraltar. From Cadiz came tidings that several privateers joined each other off Cape St. Vincent and St. Maria and all ready captured some Spanish ships which came from the coasts of Cantabrie and some coastal vessels. From Lisbon came tidings that the delivery of wine for the crews of the British warships anchored at the Taag and for the forth coming ships was put out to contract.

Trieste, 15 October. A vessel which arrived the 12th heard gunfire coming from the direction of Napoli-di-Romania. It’s suspected it were salutes for the arriving American squadron.

Constantinople, 25 September. Greek letters of a yet doubtful value referred to the defeat of the Egyptian-Turkish fleet off Candia.

Stockholm, 15 October. During the departure of the grand admiral count Cederström towards Karlskrona was his brother colonel Classon adjutant of the king send to him as a messenger. 29th September gave captain Lagerberg and 1st lieutenant, both officers of the Swedish royal navy their command over the warships bought by the Business house Michaelson and Benedicks back. Mr. du Rees was appointed with the command of the ship of the line Forsigtigheden, mr. Heikenskjöld with the ship of the line Camilla and mr. Bergmann with the frigate Eurydice, all three were masters of the merchant navy, the second served earlier with the royal navy.(1) The news item was original published in the newspaper Journal de Francf[urt].

1. See also on this weblog “The Colombian, Swedish and Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 30 August 1825” and “The Colombian, Greek, Swedish and Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 5 September 1825”.