
Monday 12 December 2011

Dutch East Indiaman serving at Ceylon according to the Generale Missive dated 6 October 1734

The Duinbeek arrived 26 July 1734 with 667 packs of cinnamon, total value of the cargo ƒ 18.470. The Sleewijk and Slot Kronenburg departed 12 May 1734 with 8 tons of silver destined for Bengal and 400 last rice with a value of ƒ 29.376 for Tuticorin. These ships were ordered to load areka nuts at Galle for Bengal. The Noordwaddinxveen, Sijbekarspel, Adrichem and Vis were with a cargo valued ƒ 367.089 (included cash money) sent towards Ceylon. They were to become home ward bound and be fitted out fir 20 November 1734. If the Jonge Willem arrived with enough coffee from Mocca an additional ship was to be prepared as home ward bound ship. 31 August 1734 arrived from Ceylon at Batavia the Papenburg with a cargo valued ƒ 30.158 included 650 packs of cinnamon. The voyage of the Lijdzaamheid towards the Maledives where 2835 kati cauris was bought and a profit made of ƒ 3006.

J. van Goor, Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Deel IX: 1729-1737. The Hague, 1988, Generale Missive from Dirk van Cloon, p. 588-596.