
Monday 12 December 2011

The schooner Mahi built at Bombay in 1838

P. 47: Ship launch. On the 27th March was launched from the slip in the Dock Yard, a beautiful man of war schooner of 150 tons, pierced to carry six nine pounders on Colonial Dixon’s principle, the same as those in the brigs of war Euphrates and Tigris, and one pivot gun a 24 pounder in mid-ships abaft the foremast. She was named by Miss Fariah, the Mahi, as she moved beautifully into the water amid the cheers and shouts of the surrounding multitude. A salute was fired off upon the occasion. This vessel had been constructed after Sir W. Symonds’ model. Several ladies hnoured the launch with their presence, and splendid collation, was served upon the accossaion, at which the success of the Mahi was with drank three times three.(1)”

Parbury’s Oriental Herald and Colonial Intelligence. Vol II. July-December. London, 1838.

1. I can’t trace her in Ruttonjee Ardeshir Wadia. The Bombay dockyard at the Wadia master builders, 2004.