
Tuesday 24 January 2012

Brazilian fleet arrived at Lisbon according to the Maandelykse Nederlandsche Mercurius of December 1756

At Lisbon were men really enjoyed with the arrival of the wealthy fleet coming from Rio de Janeiro. She brought with her Rees in gold dust (1) and a large amount of precious stores. The fleet hardly arrived at the Taag of some of her passengers were for unknown reason arrested by the Justice.

In the edition of January 1757 was revealed what the cargoes of the 17 merchant ships which arrived at Lisbon on 8 November contained namely 459.788.200 rees of gold dust, 139.850.178 rees gold bars, 88 ps. Tapan parts, 1,887 ps. knees, 29 ps layers, 309 ps. timbers for carriages , 475 ps. shelves, 382 Tapanban staves, 185 Tapanban shelves, 56 Tapanban pipe staves, all belonging to the crown and 2.134.314.568 rees in coins, 189.376.700 rees in gold bars, 2.785.600 rees modified gold, 153.698.468 rees in coins keep outside the suitcases, 2,020 complete and 727 half boxes sugar, 632 breads sugar, 45,996 skins with hair, 10,617 prepared skins, 2,875 prepared half skins as leather sole, 89 pipes and 605 barrels were wet  644 dry casks were, 77 ceroenen lambege, 1,504 ps. Elephant teeth, 386 timber suitable for wheels, 245 shelves, 656 beams, 24 otherwise, 53 knees, 45 beams suitable as pole trees, 788 spars, 791 pieces Jacavan wood, 705 pieces Violet wood there are several kinds of hard purplish or reddish coloured woods), 6,210 pieces paint timber(guilandina echinate or Haematoxylon campechianum=Campeche wood), 495 packs of whalebones, 34 kassen and 59 slaves or negroes.

1. The real later known as réis was the Portuguese currency until between 1430 and 1911.