
Monday 23 December 2013

Dutch clipper frigate ship Telanak destined towards the Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Bataviaasch handelsblad dated 7 March 1881

An item reported that the fast Dutch clipper frigate ship Telanak captain A.F. de Vrijf would departed in the second part of April from Batavia. Dutch East Indies to the Netherlands. She had an excellent passenger accommodation. For more details could be asked at shipping agents J.F. van Leeuwen&Co. at Batavia., Semarang and Surabaya. The Bataviaasch handelsblad dated 4 May reported in an announcement that she would depart on Saturday the 7the and passengers had to embark ultimately in the afternoon of the Friday before.

Changed on 23-12-2013 18:55 o'clock.