
Thursday 11 July 2019

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 14 September 1821

Paris, 9 September. In a remarkable letter dated Calamate 3 August was referred to an official tiding sent by the admiralty of Hydra dealing with the defeat of the Turkish fleet off Samos. The Turkish fleet consisting of 4 ships of the line, 5 frigates, 4 corvettes and 30 vessels of different sizes left 12 July the Dardanelles, went first to the island Chios and from there to Scala Nuova where a large number of troops from Little Asia were taken on board and which were landed at Samos. This landing failed and the Turkish troops were forced to go on board again when a Greek fleet appeared. This fleet was divided in three divisions each of thirty ships and which keep waiting on a location with covered rocks and small islands. The Turkish admiral attacked not realizing that his large ships hardly could manoeuvre in that area. The battle started in advance ships fighting against each other when suddenly the Greek admiral united his strongest ships while attack the Turkish centre. Using five fire ships were 8 Turkish ships burned, six were captured and some destroyed. The remaining Turkish ships fled while being pursued making a capture easier while they couldn’t assist each other. Some managed to escape to the island Cos. The battle found 24 July place.