
Sunday 8 December 2013

The Greek, Tripolitanean and the Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 August 1821

Vienna, 16 Augustus. The newspaper le Spectator de l’Orient of Smyrna dated 14 July described the events at Aiway where a Greek fleet of 70 vessels 16 June anchored off Moskoniss and around 09.00 o’clock attacked. The Turkish finally set the town in to fire and were forced to leave the town which was plundered by Greek landing troops.

Brussels, 25 August. A private letter coming from the Istrian coasts dated 28 June described the battle in the Aegean Sea. The Greek and Turkish fleets collided 18 June off the island Tenedos. Two Turkish ships escaped to the Sea of Marmora while the Greek fleet captured another 5 warships and 20 transports. The squadron of Tripoli consisting of 1 corvette, 3 polakken, 1 brig and 1 chebecq succeeded in escaping and joining the Turkish fleet. The Greek fleet sighted these ships in the Bay of Thessalonica and sent the two Turkish frigates since 26 June manned with Greek sailors flying the Ottoman flag away from the Greek fleet. The Tripolitanean squadron let both frigates approached assuming that they were allies when suddenly they were attacked by the frigates and captured.

According to another tiding was a large convoy of transports destined towards Constantinople and mainly loaded with grain and victuals and valuable merchandise of Egypt and Syria after passing the Caspian Sea almost complete captured by the Greek fleet.