
Monday 19 September 2011

The navy of the Two Sicilies according to the Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve July 1858

Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That’s quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.

P. 376: “The Navy of the Two Sicilies is 98 ships, representing 6,650 horsepower and 832 guns. These include thirty-two steamers, of which two are frigates of 12 guns and 450 horse-power; twelve others of 6 guns and 300 horse-power: the rest are from 40 to 240 horse-power. The sailing vessels are, two ships of the line, one of 80 guns and one of 90 guns; five frigates, i.e., two of 64 guns, one of 48 guns, and two of 41 guns; two corvettes, one of 14 guns, another of 22 guns; five brigantines of 20 guns each; two schooners of 14 guns each; ten mortar-vessels, ten gunboats of 2 guns each, and thirty armed each with a Paixhans gun. The personnel is composed of 2 vice-admirals, 5 rear-admirals, 9 commodores, 8 captains, 17 commanders, 30 lieutenants, and 26 masters. The vice-admirals are the Count d’Agulla and Jean della Spina; the rear-admirals are, Garofalo, Palma, Cavalcanti, Lettiere, and Roberte. The vice-admirals direct affairs.”

Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve, volume 27, July 1858.