
Monday 19 September 2011

The Siamese shipbuilding according to Aaron Haight Palmer in 1849

Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.

p. 37: “The superiority of European vessels has induced the King of Siam to build a number after improved models; and in order to sail these successfully, special attention has been paid to navigation and the sciences connected with it, acquired only from foreigners or foreign books. This change has mainly been effected by H. R. H Prince Momfanoi, brother to the King, and commander-in-chief of the hind and naval forces of the kingdom, who, in addition to an excellent set of nautical instruments, has a good library of books in the English language, which he writes and speaks correctly. Upwards of 12 square-rigged vessels, some of them of a large size, a 30-gun frigate, and a small steamer, have been built under his superintendence and others are in progress. Some of these vessels have made successful voyages to the Indian Archipelago, British India, and Europe, commanded and manned by Chinese in the service of the King.”

Aaron Haight Palmer. Letter to the Hon. John M. Clayton, Secretary of State: enclosing a paper, Geographical, Political, and Commercial of the Independent oriental nations etc. Washington, 1849.